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In What (or Whom) Do You Trust?


Years ago a friend and his family came over for dinner. As we sat around the table sharing food and conversation, the wooden chair he was sitting on suddenly gave out sending that big man crashing to the floor. After recovering from the initial shock, he stood up and we all had a good laugh. The moral of this story is: In what do you trust? Our friend put his trust in something that wasn't capable of fulfilling his expectations. It was faulty and unworthy of that trust.

In Isaiah 30 we find the people of God replacing their trust in him with the Egyptian Pharaoh. The infallible God, who had shown his love, provision, and protection for his people time and time again, was cast aside for a fallible man. And God knows it'll only cause them pain. He tells them that “Pharaoh's protection will be to [their] shame, Egypt's shade will bring [them] disgrace,” (Isaiah 30:3).

Have you ever noticed how similar we are to the Israelites? How often we place our trust in something other than the Lord, something weak and unfit to support or satisfy us? I know I have. Jobs, friends, children, possessions, entertainment, etc.—all good things that when placed above God, can become idols.

But there is hope for God's people. Isaiah explains: “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion…How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you…” (vs. 18a,19b). We serve such a great God that the moment we realize our sin of trusting in idols and cry out to him for help, he is ready and willing to forgive us and pour out his grace on us.

And I love this next verse, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it,’” (vs. 21). May I encourage you today to invite the Lord to search your heart and identify any fallible thing you may be placing your trust in besides the Lord? Ask him for forgiveness and give over the reins of your life to him. Listen for his voice directing your path. He has wonderful plans for you if you will only place your trust in the One who will never leave you nor forsake you and follow where he directs.

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