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Resources for Hope and Healing

If you've experienced the trauma of prenatal diagnosis, miscarriage, or loss of a loved one to name a few, my hope and prayer is that the Lord will use these resources to help you in your journey towards healing. I update my website often, so please contact me if you know of a resource I might like to add.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at if you have received a prenatal diagnosis or find yourself in a crisis pregnancy. I'd love to connect and pray with you, and remind you that there is hope even in the bleakest moments.

Reading a Book in Balcony

Books to Inspire Hope

This list includes books that will help you ponder and grapple with your questions and brokenness from a Biblical perspective.

Pregnant Woman and Partner

Real-Life Stories of Hope

As you watch these stories, I hope you'll be encouraged knowing that you're not alone. Others have gone before you and have made it to the other side with the Lord's help. You will too.

Image by Matt Botsford

Songs of Encouragement

Release you burdens in worship and be reminded that the Lord is near. 

Image by Rachel Strong

Uplifting Bible Verses

Be encouraged knowing that God is in control, He is with you, He is strengthening you, and He is good.

Sad on Couch

Should I Keep My Baby?

Are you pregnant? Afraid? Don't know what to do? Looking for direction? Read on and find the hope that you are seeking.

Charity Support

Support Organizations

If you have received a prenatal diagnosis or have an unplanned pregnancy, here are a few organizations were you can go to find support.

Image by Christina @

Must-Read Articles

Here are some articles to help you or a loved one experiencing a prenatal diagnosis. 

Stock Trading App

My Favourite Apps

These are my go-to places for uplifting Biblical teaching, interviews, and prayer.

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