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Pink Theme Bouquet

 Christin Rosa

Finding hope, healing, and encouragement in Jesus through prenatal diagnosis and the ups and downs of life


Several years back while pregnant with boy/girl twins, my husband and I received a devastating prenatal diagnosis for our unborn son, Nate. We learned that he had a life-threatening congenital condition with little to no chance of survival, even with treatment. To make matters worse, the doctors offered us nothing but abortion. But despite the hopeless situation, we were convinced of our son's value as a child made in the image of God and chose faith over fear, leaving the outcome in God's hands.


I struggled to keep my head above the water in the months and years that followed, buffeted by waves of hardship and trauma, but the Lord never left me to drown. Then in 2020, the Lord began whispering in my heart to write Nate's story. As I began to pen the words, He began to heal the places in my heart that had been wounded and broken, little by little, day by day. He began to restore me and show me that He has good plans for my life. He whispered, "Christin, I love you. You are my beloved daughter." The woman who had come to believe she was worthless and had nothing to offer began to regain her identity in Christ. I can now tell you with confidence: I'm the precious daughter of the King. 


As the Lord has carried me through these challenges, I've been learning to put my hope and trust in Him. I'm passionate about sharing my personal stories of prenatal diagnosis and other challenges such as cancer, trauma, and rejection in a way that brings hope, healing, and encouragement. I desire for you to know that you have a loving Father who's always there for you so that you'll be drawn closer to Him. I haven't got it all figured out, but with time I'm becoming more and more like the tree mentioned in Jeremiah 17:7-8. My prayer is that you will too.


"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."


A Devastating Prenatal Diagnosis

Everything changed in 2016. We had simply hoped to grow our family, but were thrown a curveball when we received a devastating prenatal diagnosis instead. Then began a life-changing and faith-testing journey that we never could have anticipated. Ultimately, we had to decide if we'd give God the reins and let Him determine whether our son would survive, or if we'd take matters into our own hands. We embarked on a ride we didn't sign up for - a roller coaster ride of gut-wrenching twists, turns, and plummets. But in the midst of this harrowing ordeal, the Lord was near and the Lord was at work. He had a much better plan in store than we ever could have imagined. Read more at "My Story" above.   

Stay tuned for a full account in my book, Saving Nate: Choosing Life After a Hopeless Prenatal Diagnosis, to be released in January 2026. 

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Are You Experiencing a Crisis Pregnancy?

Please know that you are not alone. There are people and resources available to support you and your baby.

Read more here

If you're looking for someone to talk to, please email me at  I would love to connect with you. 

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