The Big Comfy Couch was a children's show that first aired in 1992. I was a little too old for it, but I remember the commercials—the floral oversized couch, the smiling young actress dressed like a doll who beckoned youngsters to join the fun. While I may not have enjoyed that big comfy couch, I now have my own. It's not bright or covered with polyester-filled pals, but it is a place of friendship and joy. You see, my big comfy couch is the place where I meet with Jesus.
With the start of school last fall as the twins entered grade one, I entered a new chapter in my life. I suddenly had time—that precious commodity of which we never seem to have enough. After dropping the kids off at school each day, I've developed the habit of coming home, sitting down in my spot on the couch with my coffee, and spending a luxurious amount of time reading my Bible and praying. And how precious it has been! There’s nothing better to me than spending time with Jesus—giving Him my worries, meditating on His words of love and instruction, and entering into His rest.
I've been guilty in the past of turning to other things to give me the rest and comfort I crave only to find that they're a poor supplement for what I really need. I'm left feeling empty and anxious. But Psalm 84:10 tells us, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” What we really need, every one of us, is the Lord; His presence is indescribably good.
May I encourage you, whether you have just ten minutes or ten hours to spare in your day, to spend time with the Lord. I pray that you will “[t]aste and see that the Lord is good,” (Psalm 34:8a).
Many blessings to you this week.
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